venerdì 30 gennaio 2015

Jenny Holzer al Correr

Nei settecenteschi spazi del Museo Correr la Written Art Foundation di Francoforte presenterà una vasta antologica su Jenny Holzer, che proprio a Venezia fu la prima artista americana a rappresentare il suo paese alla Biennale, vincendo anche il premio del Leone d’Oro.

La mostra ripercorrerà la lunga carriera dell’artista con diverse tipologie di opere dai primi lavori più tradizionali alle recenti ricerche multimediali. 

giovedì 29 gennaio 2015

My East is Your West

The Gujral Foundation is delighted to announce My East is Your West, a Collateral Event of the 56th Venice Biennale, which unites for the first time at the Venice Biennale the historically conflicting nations of India and Pakistan in a collaborative exhibition by artists from both countries. 
Internationally recognised artists Shilpa Gupta (India) and Rashid Rana (Pakistan) will work together on a shared presentation located in the Palazzo Benzon, in the centre of Venice on the Grand Canal. As neither India nor Pakistan has a permanent national pavilion at the Venice Biennale, this presentation will provide a unique platform for artists from the Indian subcontinent to enter into a dialogue through the arts. My East is Your West is conceived by Feroze Gujral, Director and Founder of The Gujral Foundation, with Natasha Ginwala as Curatorial Advisor and International Curator of Public Programming. The Gujral Foundation have partnered with the Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta on the project with Head Curator, Martina Mazzotta, programming collateral events in Italy. 
“Whilst we share a common history, we have a divided present. We are now working together for a more collaborative future.” 

Feroze Gujral, Founder & Director, The Gujral Foundation 

Born out of the desire to reposition the complex climate of historical relations between the South Asian nation-states of India and Pakistan, My East is Your West will present these two countries as a singular region within the context of the Venice Biennale. The thought of how the world would have been different had India and Pakistan not been measured by borders lies dormant but is ever present. In view of their practices, and as one artist from each country, Gupta and Rana have been invited to work together to create a unique presentation that will express the integral essence of a people divided, a history which spans antiquity, colonial modernity and a cosmopolitan present entangled in conflict.
This journey towards conceiving a shared platform in Venice builds on the artists’ concerns to negotiate between the individual and the communal in relation to the “everyday” experiences of collective consciousness. Within their practices both artists explore notions of location and dislocation, transnational belonging, and the impact of cultural and political conditioning in determining our relationship to geographical and national territories. With works that challenge the modern nation-state and its divides, Gupta and Rana have developed a material aesthetic that surveys the potential of a common region, separate from the state and its model.
Concept and curation: Feroze Gujral, Founder/ Director, The Gujral Foundation

Artists: Rashid Rana (Pakistan) and Shilpa Gupta (India)
Curatorial Advisor and Public Programmes Curator: Natasha Ginwala 
Italian Partner Foundation: Fondazione Antonio Mazzotta
Advisory Board: Richard Armstrong, Director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and Foundation, and Amin Jaffer, International Director Asian Art, Christie’s 

My East is Your West

5 May–31 October 2015  Preview: Monday 4 May–Friday 8 May
Palazzo Benzon San Marco 3917 Venice 30124

martedì 27 gennaio 2015

14 artisti per il padiglione del UAE

Dal sito del condivido questa news

Sheikha Hoor Al Qasimi, the curator of the United Arab Emirates National Pavilion at the forthcoming Venice Biennale, has announced her selection of 14 artists for this year’s event. There is some crossover with those participating in the upcoming Sharjah Biennial (5 March – 5 June), which she also oversees, with Hassan Sharif, Mohammed Kazem and Abdullah Al Saadi exhibiting at both biennials.
Other artists at the UAE’s Venice pavilion will be: Ahmed Al Ansari, Moosa Al Halyan, Mohammed Al Qassab, Abdul Qader Al Rais, Mohammed Abdullah Bulhiah, Salem Jawhar, Dr. Najat Meky, Abdulraheem Salim, Obaid Suroor, Dr. Mohamed Yousif, and Abdulrahman Zainal.

According to a statement, the UAE’s Venice pavilion is inspired by Al Qasimi’s interest in the “underexposed historical record” of work by Emerati artists from the 1980s and 1990s, specifically those affiliated with the Emirates Fine Art Society. The society has played an incubating role for art in the region since it was formed in 1980, long before the area’s current art boom, which is widely seen from the outside as starting in 2005, when major auction houses and art fairs first took root in the region. 

The 50 international artists in Sharjah’s biennial were announced in November. UAE’s Venice pavilion first opened in 2009, but this is the first time an Emirati has served as curator. 

lunedì 26 gennaio 2015

Pamela Rosenkranz allestirà il Padiglione svizzero alla Biennale d’arte 2015

 Pamela Rosenkranz (1979*) curerà il Padiglione svizzero alla prossima Biennale d’arte di Venezia. La manifestazione, una delle principali vetrine per l’arte contemporanea a livello mondiale, avrà luogo dal 9 maggio al 22 novembre 2015.

 Pamela Rosenkranz allestirà il Padiglione svizzero alla prossima Biennale d’arte di Venezia. L’artista originaria del canton Uri è stata nominata dalla giuria per le Biennali della Fondazione svizzera per la cultura Pro Helvetia. La 56. edizione dell’Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte – la Biennale di Venezia, considerata una delle più importanti piattaforme internazionali d’arte contemporanea, aprirà i battenti nel maggio del 2015. L’ultima Biennale ha attirato nella città lagunare oltre 400'000 appassionati d’arte.

 Le opere di Rosenkranz riflettono il pensiero della sua generazione, profondamente influenzato da internet. Con un ampio orizzonte di riferimenti, che si estende dalla politica alla storia, dalla tecnologia alla filosofia fino alla cultura pop, Pamela Rosenkranz traduce questioni complesse in una simbologia che cattura l’attenzione tramite superfici iridescenti. Nei suoi lavori Rosenkranz utilizza pittura a dito dai colori carnati su materiali high-tech, che contrappone a toni di colore di multinazionali, o con i quali riempie bottiglie di bibite gassate e d’acqua. Mette così a confronto il significato sociale di questi prodotti con la loro realtà materiale e il loro aspetto sintetico. Con richiami sorprendenti a temi che permeano la nostra quotidianità debordante di immagini e di informazioni, Rosenkranz stabilisce relazioni che ci permettono di cogliere nessi in precedenza ignorati e che producono un intenso straniamento.

 Il «Salon Suisse» per la quarta volta a Palazzo Trevisan

Parallelamente all’esposizione nel Padiglione svizzero ai Giardini, la Fondazione ripropone anche nel 2015 il «Salon Suisse» a Palazzo Trevisan, nel centro storico di Venezia. Il «Salon», promosso da Pro Helvetia per la prima volta nel 2012, sfrutta le luci della ribalta della Biennale per consolidare le relazioni internazionali della scena artistica svizzera, attirando, con il suo ricco calendario di manifestazioni di grande caratura, artisti, specialisti, studenti e appassionati di cultura da tutto il mondo.

 Maggiori informazioni e immagini ad alta risoluzione su: 


Informazioni ai media: Claudine Chappuis, Comunicazione,

Tel. +41 44 267 71 36, Fax +41 44 267 71 06, cchappuis(at)

Comunicato stampa della Fondazione svizzera per la cultura Pro Helvetia, 16.04.2014

lunedì 5 gennaio 2015

Ivan Grubanov per la Serbia

Col titolo Nazioni Unite Morte” l'artista Ivan Grubanov svilupperà il Padiglione Serbo, con la curatela di  Lidija Merenik, così da un comunicato uscito oggi sul sito di 

The United Dead Nations project representing Serbia in its Pavilion at the Giardini, by the artist Ivan Grubanov and curator Lidija Merenik, explores the historical and cultural setting of Venice Biennale as the platform for projection and representation of different visions of modernity. 

The installation United Dead Nations aims to establish a dialogue on what does the notion of the nation represent in our post-global times by putting in focus the nations that no longer exist as such, but whose ghosts are still conditioning the geo-spheres they had occupied (Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Soviet Union, German Democratic Republic, Yugoslavia, etc.). By doing so, the multifaceted spectrum of desires and conflicts, which the notion of nation embodies, is considered and the questions of nature and permanence of today’s nations are being imposed. Alluding to the United Nations as the supreme form of global organizing, the installation as well raises the question about the role of the UN in the contemporary context, along with its actual influence and sovereignty over the global geo-political discourse. 

United Dead Nations recreate an absent political and enable its alternative life in the aesthetic regime of art by opening new representational relations within the field of the visual, the space where social reality is translated into forms and images. Ivan Grubanov thereby puts the emphasis the process of image making by involving the dead flags as models, means and material during his painting ritual. The artist’s intention lies in the creation of a new symbolical field, which questions the value frameworks of art, at the same time enabling the reestablished authorities of dead nations to continue competing in the domain of the visible. 

The artistic practice of Ivan Grubanov (b. 1976) is marked by a post-conceptual approach to the medium of painting and the articulation of historical memory against the contemporary condition. His process-oriented painterly method evolves into a podium for knowledge production, persistently posing challenging questions about our social and political realities. Educated at the Belgrade Academy of Fine Arts, the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam, Delfina Studios in London and Casa de Velazquez in Madrid, Ivan Grubanov has established his international career throughout numerous solo, group, and biennial exhibitions worldwide, as well as many artistic and scholarly awards since 1997. Dr Lidija Merenik is a professor of art history at the Seminar for Modern Art of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. 

She has performed the position of the curator at Belgrade’s Museum of Contemporary Art. She is the author of numerous exhibitions, monographs, studies and texts on modern and contemporary art. United Dead Nations project in the Serbian Pavilion at the 56th International Art Exhibition - La Biennale di Venezia is supported by the Foundation of the Museum for Contemporary Art Belgrade and Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia.

Nuovo padiglione australiano

E' in fase di completamento il nuovo Padiglione australiano nei Giardini della Biennale di  Venezia.

Col vernissage di Maggio si aprirà questo nuovo Padiglione permanente che sostituisce il precedente temporaneo, presente dal 1988. 

Il progetto è dello studio Denton Corker Marshall, che ha ideato un edificio minimale dall'elegante color nero, con elementi ad apertura. 

Inaugurerà con una mostra di Fiona Hall.