sabato 23 gennaio 2016

Christine Macel curatrice Biennale Arte Visive 2017

English below

Oggi è stato comunicato il nominativo del prossimo curatore della Biennale di Arti Visive 2017, si tratta di Christine Macel 

Eccovi il comunicato stampa 

Il Cda della Biennale di Venezia si è riunito venerdì 22 gennaio 2016 e, su proposta del PresidentePaolo Baratta, ha deliberato di nominare Christine Macel Direttore del Settore Arti Visive con lo specifico incarico di curare la 57. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte del 2017.
Dopo gli studi nel campo della storia dell’arte, Christine Macel è stata conservatrice del patrimonio e ispettore della creazione artistica nella “Délégation aux Arts Plastiques” del Ministero della Cultura francese (dal 1995). Dal 2000 ricopre l’incarico di Curatore capo del Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou di Parigi, dove è responsabile del Dipartimento della “Création contemporaine et prospective” che ha creato e sviluppato. È stata curatrice del Padiglione Francese alla Biennale Arte 2013 (Anri Sala) e del Padiglione Belga alla Biennale Arte 2007 (Eric Duyckaerts).
In occasione di questa decisione, il Presidente Baratta ha dichiarato quanto segue:  
“Dopo una Biennale Arte diretta da Okwui Enwezor incentrata sul tema delle fratture e delle divisioni che pervadono il mondo, e da una constatazione del tempo presente come age of anxiety, la Biennale trova in Christine Macel una curatrice protesa a valorizzare il grande ruolo che gli artisti hanno nell’inventare i loro universi e nel riverberare generosa vitalità nel mondo che viviamo. La sua esperienza al Dipartimento della “Création contemporaine et prospective” del Centre Pompidou di Parigi, la trova da tempo in un punto di osservazione quanto mai ricco di potenziale per l’individuazione di nuove energie dalle varie parti del mondo.”
Il Cda ha deliberato anche le date della 57. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte che si terrà dal 13 maggio al 26 novembre 2017vernice 10, 11 e 12 maggioinaugurazione al pubblico sabato 13 maggio.


The Board of La Biennale di Venezia met on Friday 22 January 2016 and, at the suggestion of the President Paolo Baratta, approved the appointment of Christine Macel as Director of the Visual Arts Sector, with specific responsibility for curating the 57th International Art Exhibition to be held in2017.
Following her studies in art history, Christine Macel was a curator of the heritage and inspector of artistic creation for the “Délégation aux Arts Plastiques” of the French Ministry of Culture (from 1995). Since 2000 she has been Chief Curator at the Musée national d’art moderne – Centre Pompidou in Paris, where she is responsible for the Department of “Création contemporaine et prospective”, which she founded and developed. She was the curator of the French Pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2013 (Anri Sala) and the Belgian Pavilion at the Biennale Arte 2007 (Eric Duyckaerts).
On the occasion of her nomination, President Paolo Baratta declared:
“In the wake of the Biennale Arte directed by Okwui Enwezor, centred on the theme of the rifts and divisions that pervade the world, and aware that we are currently living in  an age of anxiety, La Biennale has selected Christine Macel as a curator committed to emphasizing the important role artists play in inventing their own universes and injecting generous vitality into the world we live in. Her experience in the Department of “Création contemporaine et prospective” at the Centre Pompidou in Paris has long offered her a vantage point rich in potential from which to observe and identify new energies coming from various parts of the world”.
The Board also approved the dates of the 57th International Art Exhibition to be held from May 13th to November 26th, 2017Press Preview May 10th, 11th and 12thOpening to the public Saturday, May 13th.

Christine Macel (from )
Chief Curator at the Musée national d’art moderne–Centre Pompidou (Paris) since 2000, Christine Macel has recently curated Anri Sala’s exhibition at this institution (May-August 2012). Heading the department of Contemporary and prospective creation, she has curated a number of exhibitions, including Dance your life (with Emma Lavigne), Promises of the Past, Airs de Paris, Dionysiac as well as various solo shows, among which those of Raymond Hains, Sophie Calle, Philippe Parreno and Gabriel Orozco. She presented many young artists in the Espace 315 of the Centre Pompidou, from Koo Jeong-A in 2004 to Tobias Putrih in 2009. She furthermore curated shows outside this museum, such as John Bock at the FRAC in Marseille or Ziad Antar at the Sharjah Foundation (2012). She acted as advisor for the project Based in Berlin in 2011. Christine Macel is a contributing author in many catalogues, as well as an art critic for various magazines (Flash Art, Artforum, etc.) and has published an essay on contemporary art entitled “Time taken, the work of time in the work of art” (Monografik/Centre Pompidou) in 2007.

Info da Centre Pompidou 

Christine Macel (Chief Curator at Centre Pompidou) explores how love is represented in art since the beginning of the twentieth century and is indicative of an evolution of the very concept of love over a period of 100years, taking you on a journey from Surrealism to now. This talk is was moderated by Rachael Thomas (Head of Exhibitions, IMMA) on the occasion of the exhibition preview of What We Call Love - From Surrealism to Now, at IMMA.

Portrait courtesy of Jean-Claude Planchet, Centre Pompidou.

martedì 19 gennaio 2016

Strategie di selezioni al padiglione australiano

Molto interessante il recente articolo del sito di informazione australiana sulle dinamiche delle selezioni presso il Padiglione Australiano, eccovi una parte del testo il resto lo trovate nel sito 

In the US last year there was widespread consternation when it was revealed that nearly one third of all museum shows there came from artists represented by just five commercial galleries.
In Australia a similarly small coterie of commercial dealers and collectors act as cultural gatekeepers for our taxpayer funded arts institutions. The commercial Sydney gallery Roslyn Oxley9 has during the past 33 years  provided a staggering 11 artists from its stable as Australia’s representatives at the Australia Council- funded Australian pavilion at the Venice Biennale.
In Daily Review last year John Kelly caused a storm when he looked at the small circle who determined the choice of artist as our representative at the 2015 Venice Biennale. Our 2017 choice is no different. While Kelly admires the selection of Tracey Moffatt, he asks in the essay below, why, given such a small group of people have influenced our choice of artists for Venice for decades, it has taken them so long to choose an indigenous artist in a solo show as Australia’s representative?

lunedì 18 gennaio 2016

Adventure: Capital

You are warmly invited to the official launch of Ireland at Venice the Irish Tour by Chair of the Arts Council, Sheila Pratschke at Limerick City Gallery of Art on Thursday 21 January from 6–8pm.
Limerick City Gallery of Art, in partnership with Ireland at Venice, is pleased to present The Irish Tour of Adventure: Capital, a new artwork by artist Sean Lynch that was commissioned for Ireland at Venice 2015, the Irish Pavilion at the 56th International Art Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia. Visited by over 400,000 people during the world’s most prestigious visual arts exhibition, Adventure: Capital now begins its national tour of Ireland.
Adventure: Capital is Sean Lynch’s most ambitious project to date and traces a journey from myth to minimalism around Ireland and Britain, combining Greek river gods; public art at regional airports; quarries and the art of stone-carving; an abandoned sculpture in Cork; and a traffic roundabout, on a storytelling journey that unravels notions of value and the flow of capital through an anthropological lens.
Alongside Adventure: Capital at Limerick City Gallery of Art, Sean Lynch will present a selection of previous artworks, including A Church Without A Steeple (2012, Arts Council Collection), A Rocky Road (2011), Peregrine Falcons Visit Moyross (2008), Bill Clinton (2007), and Latoon (2006–2015). Subsequent presentations of Adventure: Capital in Sligo, Dublin and Belfast will also be individually configured with existing and new artworks, giving audiences multifaceted perspectives on Lynch’s practice.
The exhibition is accompanied by the Adventure: Capital exhibition publication, freely available with an essay by the curator Woodrow Kernohan and additional texts by Sean Lynch and Michele Horrigan.
For further information please see: or

Irish Tour dates:
Limerick City Gallery of Art
21 January – 24 March 2016
The Model, Sligo
9 April – 5 June 2016
Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin
30 June – 14 August 2016
Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast
1 September – 15 October 2016
The Irish tour of Ireland at Venice is supported by The Arts Council / An Chomhairle Ealaíon as part of its commitment to promote the visual arts to Irish audiences. The Commissioner for the Irish Pavilion in 2015 is Mike Fitzpatrick, Director of Limerick’s European Capital of Culture 2020 bid and Head of School, Limerick School of Art and Design, LIT. The Curator is Woodrow Kernohan, Director of EVA International – Ireland’s Biennial, Limerick City. Adventure: Capital and the Irish tour of Ireland at Venice have been made possible through additional support from partners: Culture Ireland; Limerick City Gallery of Art; The Model, Sligo; Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin; Golden Thread Gallery, Belfast; Arts Council Collection; Limerick City and County Council Arts Office; Limerick, Candidate City for European Capital of Culture 2020; Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick School of Art and Design; EVA International – Ireland’s Biennial; Maurice Ward Art Handling; Wexford County Council; British Council Northern Ireland; Kevin Kavanagh Gallery, Dublin; Ronchini Gallery, London; Askeaton Contemporary Arts; Irish Wire Products.


mercoledì 6 gennaio 2016

Susanne Pfeffer curatrice per la Germania

 foto di Mary Scherpe per

Per la Germania è stato scelto la curatrice Susanne Pfeffer con la commissione dell' ifa (Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen).