martedì 30 aprile 2013

Newfoundland in Venice

About Turn presents new bodies of work by Will Gill and Peter Wilkins, contemporary artists based in Newfoundland, Canada. The exhibition is spurred by complementary explorations of mundane narratives. The work, which spans video, photography, and painting, deftly plays within the boundaries of abstraction and narrative; the recognizable and the intangible. Gill’s works blend a feigned naïveté with formal control, lifted from family life and fleeting dreams. Wilkins’ images bridge the art historical and contemporary, employing subtle, distilled abstractions of duration and form. - 

The Terra Nova Art Foundation was initially formed in 2010 to showcase Newfoundland & Labrador artists on the international stage, in particular at Venice Biennale. In 2012 the Terra Nova Art Foundation (TNAF) was incorporated as a not-for-profit art foundation to fulfil this aim.The Terra Nova Art Foundation’s Board of Directors is made up of curators, academics and patrons and were appointed by a group of founding members.

Place Galleria Ca' Rezzonico, Dorsoduro 2793

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